We Are Co-Creators With God: Life is not all or nothing.

Bhojraj Bhatta
4 min readOct 31, 2020

Life happened.You arrived on this planet, and now you are here.You have come this far.How far you may have to go, the process of life is the same for you as with everyone else.Nature does not discriminate.It has no favorites.The amount of sunshine, water, and air is the same for you as for everyone else.How you go about living and what you do with what has been freely given to you is entirely up to you.The sun will continue to shine, water will continue to flow, and the air will continue to blow regardless of what you do.

Life has motion; it ebbs and flows.Life has emotions; it goes through sadness and gladness. Life has growth; the new cells come and the old ones die.However, for life to be truly life, it needs meaning when motion brings pain, when emotions bring heartaches, and when growth brings suffering.Without meaning, life can become a treacherous journey accompanied by unending suffering.

Nietzsche said “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”Poor Nietzsche; he himself could not find his why and lost his sanity proving his statement right.

Maybe you are not Nietzsche who rejected the help of God.You believe in God.Nietzsche wanted to find his why by himself.You want God to find for you.You want God to run your life.In fact, you want to resign your life in the hand of God so that he can do whatever he likes.After all, it was he who brought you into existence.

Alas! You still don’t know how to navigate through pain, heartaches and suffering.God seems to have forgotten to run your life.You wonder if there is a God after all.You start thinking like Nietzsche did.Maybe you were deceived in thinking there was a God.Maybe you were delusional.So, you say goodbye to God and decide to find your why on your own.But this why is nowhere to be found.Life begins to glare in your eyes; challenging you either to face it or give up.You don’t know how to respond to that penetrating glare; you stand in that crossroad all alone and clueless.

Why do you think you are all alone and clueless?I will tell you.You tried to live your life with the principle of what I call; all or nothing approach.Nietzsche tried to find his why by himself and rejected any role God could play in helping him.You wanted God to give you your why and rejected any role you could have played in finding that why with God’s help.

Life is not supposed to be lived by all or nothing approach in which either you do everything or God does everything; it doesn’t happen that way.Right in the beginning God said “it is not good for man to be alone.”What he said back then is still true to this day.

Life has to be constructed in collaboration with God.God is a wonderful creator; he is an artist.But he does not do it all by himself.He wants to do in partnership with you.There is a role which only God can play, and there is part which only you can fulfill.You cannot do God’s part and God will not do your part.The sooner you realize this divine human collaboration, the better it will be for the grandeur of your life to make an impact on this earth.

You were not created to live on your own.You were created to live in communion with your creator.You can see this truth in your own physical birth.When you were born, your mother was there to feed you.But if you refused to suckle, she could never make you drink.You had to cooperate with your mother right from the time of your conception for you to exist.Any negligence from your part would have been catastrophic.

What makes you think it is different with God?

Therefore, don’t make the mistake of attempting to live your life on your own or resigning everything to God.You and God are co-workers, co-artists, co-creators.

You may feel burdened to be a co-artist with God.Don’t worry.All you got to do is to be ready and willing.You just put the brush on the canvas of your life with the absolute knowledge that you are working with God, and as you touch the canvas, miracle happens!You begin to see the majesty of the artwork come alive with just a little stroke from your hand because the creator of the universe is also putting his brush to the canvas at the same time with you.You simply become a partner in this divine human mystery by the principle of participation.

Once you see the miracle of your cooperation with God, you will have found your why.When you find your why, you will be able to bear any how.Motion won’t be painful, emotions won’t be sorrowful and growth won’t be unbearable.Motion in life will be a joyride, emotions in life will be the expressions of beauty, and growth in life will be a pleasure.

Don’t live your life with an all or nothing approach. Become the co-creator with the God of wonders and beauty! Jesus gave the ultimate invitation and said “Learn from me, for I am gentle and kind!”

Originally published at https://vojraj.blogspot.com.



Bhojraj Bhatta

Hindu by Birth. Christian by Choice. Nepalese by Citizenship. Writes About Life, Family, Bible, Church, Missions. Etc. http://youtube.com/brbhatta